GaDaH Logo
187 Downs Road, Sebec, Sebec
Sebec, ME 04481
Volunteer Match Logo
Last Updated:
2/7/2023 2:18 PM

Donation Information

Give a Dog a Home Rescue is an IRS Tax Exempt, 501c3 non-profit charity and by following IRS guidelines, all donations are tax deductible.

We are also licensed annually with the State of Maine as a Charitable Organization

There are so many ways to donate and any kind of donation, be it volunteering, supporting or funding is equally important, as without all of them combined we would struggle and would not be able to do anything close to what we already manage to achieve.

Scan either QR code above, or you can click on the  link to be taken to the website.

If you prefer to use STRIPE payment processing to make your donation. You can either:  Click on the Stripe Payment logo above. 

Click on the link to be directed to the Donation Processing Page

Scan the QR code below:

We also accept donations through the mail

Give a Dog a Home Rescue

187 Downs Road

Sebec, Maine, 04481

If you are interested in donating your time, or have ideas of other ways to help - please go to our

How You Can HELP Page